The Kingdom of God: Of Earth, Not Heaven
While the Kingdom of God exists in this word, it doesn't originate from this work nor does it get its power from this world. But there is always a temptation to use the sword, politics, or social action to grow the kingdom, but these things alone cannot bring about true kingdom growth.
The Kingdom of God: Error of Nationalism
In our last week of this study we are looking at common kingdom errors. Today we look at the error of nationalism, where you tie the gospel to a particular nation or culture. This was a big struggle for the early church, but they took steps to allow the gospel to go into all cultures and nations.
The Kingdom of God: Practices Towards Others
Let’s be honest. It is difficult to step outside of our comfort zone. And nowhere is that more often seen than in our relationships. We are naturally attracted to those we can easily relate to. People who share our culture, background, and even skin tone. But this does not reflect the Kingdom of God. In God’s kingdom there is a unity and togetherness that comes from our common allegiance to a King who invites people of all cultures and backgrounds to sit down at the table.
The Kingdom of God: Practices Towards Money
In our culture, the prevailing attitude toward money is not one of plenty, but of scarcity. We are told that we don’t have enough, and that we will never have enough unless we somehow hit the proverbial jackpot. But, this is not the message we are given as citizens of the Kingdom. Instead we are told that, in Christ, we have everything we need. We are told that God is good and will provide abundantly for our needs, and even some of our wants.
The Kingdom of God: Practices of Spiritual Warfare
According to the Apostle Peter, warfare in the Kingdom of God is a very clear and present reality. In order to not only survive the assaults mounted against us, but also to thrive as a Kingdom citizen, we have to be prepared and equipped for battle. But, given the nature of this kind of warfare, how do we prepare for it? This is the question we are going to try to answer in this video.
The Kingdom of God: Spiritual Warfare
Scripture uses many examples of war to describe the Christian life, but it would be a mistake to assume Christians wage war in the same way the world does.
The Kingdom of God: Money and Power
How should Christians approach money and the power that comes with it?
The Kingdom of God: The Culture of the Kingdom
The early church started out as primarily Jewish and one of its first major challenges was when the Apostles saw the Holy Spirit come on people who had been considered outsiders.
The Kingdom of God: The Church as the Center
At the most fundamental level, sin and its effects on humanity is the reason for all the pain and injustice we see in the world. The Church is the only institution God has given the tools and power to fight sin. In this way the church is at the center of God’s plan for the renewal of the world.
The Kingdom of God: The Church and The Kingdom
How does God's Kingdom relate to the church? In this video we'll see how the church is ground zero for God's kingdom work in the world.
The Kingdom of God: The Forever King
At the end of the Old Testament, it may appear that God's kingdom had its best days behind it, but what we discover was the national kingdom of Israel was giving way to something greater–the kingdom of God. This kingdom would extend to all the globe and grow in surprising ways.
The Kingdom of God: The King of His People
God is king of his people. While this may seem like a simple statement, in this video we'll look at how God's idea of a king is different from popular ideas.
The Kingdom of God: The Kingdom Throughout Scripture
God is king over creation because he made all things in heaven and earth, and though he delegated some of his authority to humanity, he remained sovereign over it all. In this lesson we will look how God’s kingship is manifested in the Old Testament, specifically through his control over creation.
The Kingdom of God: Jesus and the Kingdom
People continually misunderstood what kind of kingdom Jesus was building. When they realized he wasn’t they type of messiah they wanted, they moved on but only to their own destruction.
The Kingdom of God: The Historical Context of the Gospels
People continually misunderstood what kind of kingdom Jesus was building. But later when the took maters into their own hands, it only lead to destruction.
The Kingdom of God: Introduction
Everyone has a kingdom vision, a picture of the good life. Today we see many different kingdom visions in conflict with each other. Each offers a different story and description of what we were made for. But in the end, only one kingdom vision can actually address the deepest needs in the world, and that kingdom grows through the most unexpected means.