Jordan Valley Church

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Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace

What is it that you worry about? We’ve heard that there are only two things that are certain in life: death and taxes. But perhaps we could add worry to that list. We all face worries, when we’re young they may be wrapped up in questions like who we’ll marry. But as we get older the worries change: How will my kids turn out? Will I be able to retire? What worries do you face today? 
In his booklet Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace, David Powlison walks us through Christ’s teachings about worry in the Sermon on the Mount. Our worries can be stated in terms of, “If only...” “If only I could have this.” “If only this wouldn’t happen.” Underlying worry is a desire for us to control things mixed with the reality we have have very little control. Powlison says that, “anxiety and control are two sides of one coin.”
So how can we live a life free from worry? Powlison is helpful in that he acknowledges the real pressures and reasons we have to worry, but he also points us to seven better reasons why we should not worry, these are based on Luke 12. Powlison then provides six tools that will give us practical ways to address the temptation to worry. 
Perhaps what I like best about this booklet is that it’s only thirty pages. I finished reading it in less than a half-hour.  

This book is available on our book table.