Study 4: Prayer With Others
Read each passage and answer the questions:
Matthew 6:9-14: Why is it significant that Jesus uses the plural (“Our Father…” “give us today our daily bread…” “forgive us our debts…”) in the Lord’s prayer?
Acts 2:42: What do you think it means that the early Christians “devoted prayer”?
1 Corinthians 14:13-19: “What does Paul mean by speaking in tongues?” is the less important question. More important is what Paul says clearly, especially in verses 17 and 19. According to Paul, what is the purpose of public prayer?
Do you pray with others? Why or why not?
When you are around others praying, do you try to pray along with them in your heart?
In prayer meetings, prayer groups or small groups, do you pray out loud when you have a chance? Why or why not?
What could help you pray more with others?
What could you do to help others feel more comfortable praying with you?
Worship is like going to the gym to see a physical trainer: you are not the spectator! In other words, don’t go to the gym just to admire the trainer working out; that’s weird. The trainer is there to lead you through your workout. So don’t go to church just to hear someone else pray. The prayer leader is there to lead you in praying.
This next Sunday, intentionally pray along with the prayer leader.
Try praying during the worship service when it’s not a planned corporate prayer. For example, pray for Jon as he’s preaching, that he would have confidence, be free of distractions, have energy, and that the Holy Spirit would work through him.
If you are not already part of a small group, plan to join one this coming year.
Consider coming early on Sunday mornings before the service (8:45) and participate in the pre-service prayer time.