Spiritual Warfare: The Fight For Your Life

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Does spiritual warfare just belong do the realm of Hollywood and Sci-Fi? Can we really believe in the unseen forces and an actual devil? But what if spiritual warfare was more common and sinister than you realized? What if you are actually involved in a fight for your life… each day. Discover a biblical understanding of spiritual warfare and how God has equipped his people for it.

Week 1: What is Spiritual Warfare?

Two Battles for All Humanity

The Spiritual Battlespace

What is Spiritual Warfare?

Week 2: The Devil 

The Devil’s Tactics

The Devil’s Lies

Week 3: The World 

The Kingdom of the Air

In, But Not Of

Week 4: The Flesh 

Overcoming the Flesh

Putting Sin to Death

Discipline of Grace

Week 5: How to Fight Demons/The Armor of God 

doing Spiritual Battle

The Armor of God

Means of Grace

Week 6: Common Errors 

The Spiritual Battle Lines: Part 1

The Spiritual Battle Lines: Part 2

POSSESSED By the Supernatural